Monday, April 19, 2010


A casual comment at a party—“I didn’t recognize you all dressed up. You clean up good!” got me to thinking. For the past few years in retirement I have truly lived in T-shirts and dirt! My retiree life requires them. No longer a nurse in whites or scrubs, I entered into what has been an interest of mine since I was a kid, Archaeology.

I went to the field school and took courses at the local Community College for Archaeology before I retired.
Now in retirement I was into Archaeology full bore.

Early on I went on EARTHWATCH trips just to get ‘my feet’ wet. These were wonderful adventures and though I was working full time these “vacation” adventures were sure a relief from hectic hospital life. My daughter stayed with her God Parents in Connecticut while I adventured. My undying love and deep, deep thanks to Ray and Gwen for the many ways of encouragement they have given to both of us over the years. They have always been there for me, for us.

Here are some of my ‘archaeology’ stories; these tales of my adventures and misadventures are dedicated to the Ph.D. candidates I worked with and who have graciously allowed me to learn at their expense while processing their artifacts or excavating at their research sites, but mainly bugging them with questions! You know who you are!

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